
constitutoinThis section features the constitution of our association.

1. Name
2. Objects
3. National Council
4. Duties of National Council
5. Amendments to this Constitution
6. Membership of Sectional Associations
7. Fees of the Sectional Associations
8. Arrears of Fees
9. Sectional Councils
10. Election of Sectional Councils
11. Duties of Sectional Council
12. Voting
13. Auditors
14. Awards
15. General Matters


1. Name
The name of this Association shall be
Canadian Association of Textile Colourists and Chemists.
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2. Objects
The objects pf the Association shall be to benefit its members in every way possible, and in particular by:
a. Increasing knowledge of the application of dyes and chemicals in the textile industry.
b. Increasing research work in chemical processes and materials of importance to the textile industry.
c. Establishing channels for increased interchange of professional knowledge and ideas, and
d. Sponsoring and encouraging textile technical education.
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3. National Council
3.1 The Association shall be governed by a National Council which shall consist of three (3) members from each Sectional Council, and shall include the appointment of two alternates from each section, who shall be members of Sectional Council, with the privilege of voting in the absence of a regular delegate.
3.2 Such election shall take place in January at a duly constituted Council meeting of each Section. Notification of the results of such elections shall be forwarded to the Secretary of National Council, no later than February 16th.
3.3 Elected members shall assume office at the Annual Meeting of the National Council and shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
3.4 At such Annual Meeting of the National Council, the new or re-elected members, having assumed office, shall proceed to elect an Executive, from their members, consisting of a President and Vice-President.
3.5 A Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the President, and need not be a Sectional Representative.
3.6 Immediate Past-President shall be an ex officio member of National Council.
3.7 The office of President shall alternate between Sections, and no President shall hold office for more than two consecutive years but may be re-elected after a lapse of two years. All other members of the Executive shall be eligible for re-election to the National Council by the Sectional Councils.
3.8 The Annual Meeting of the National Council shall be held not later than April 30 in each year. The time and place of the Annual Meeting shall be determined by the National Council during its regular business sessions.
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4. Duties of National Council
4.1 The National Council shall be responsible for maintaining the objects of the Association and shall have the obligation of acting as guardian of the Constitution.
4.2 The regular business of the Annual Meeting of the National Council will include the establishment, yearly, of the fees to be levied against each Sectional Association.
4.3 The National Council shall at its Annual Meeting elect auditors to audit the accounts of the National Council.
4.4 The National Council shall meet at such place as shall be determined by the executive with written notice of a minimum of a minimum of fifteen (15) days, at the call of the President or any three (3) Council Members. A quorum at any meeting of the National Council shall be four (4) members present in person.
4.5 In case of a tie vote the Chairman at any National Council Meeting shall have a casting or second vote.
4.6 The National Council may authorize and license from time to time Sectional Associations on a provincial basis or otherwise and may cancel any such authority or license at any time.
4.7 All disputes between Sectional Associations shall be decided by the National Council whose decision shall be final and binding upon the Sectional Associations.
4.8 The National Council shall have authority to negotiate for and arrange, on such terms as it deems best, co-operation with any other association or society with similar aims and objects.
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5. Amendments to this Constitution
5.1 The National Council may amend or alter this Constitution provided that any proposed changes have been duly ratified by all Sectional Councils.
5.2 This Constitution may also be amended by the National Council at the request of a Sectional Council provided that such proposed changes are duly ratified by all other Sectional Councils.
5.3 Amendments requested by a Sectional Council shall be contained in the notice of a Sectional meeting and must be received by each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted upon and shall be passed by two-thirds majority of members present at such meeting before being forwarded to the National Council.

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6. Membership of Sectional Associations
6.1 Subject to the condition hereinafter provided, anyone who is interested in promoting the objects of the Associations, shall be eligible for membership provided he or she possesses at least one of the following qualifications:
a. not less than two years of practical experience in the bleaching, dyeing, printing or finishing of textiles;
b. not less than two years of practical experience as a supplier of textile chemicals, dyestuffs or textile dyeing and finishing machinery;
c. is a student, or graduate of a recognized textile school or university where he or she is studying or studied bleaching, dyeing, printing, or finishing of textiles.
6.2 There shall be following classes of members:
a. Active Members
b. Honourary Members
c. Corporate Members
d. Student Members
e. Associate Members
f. Emeritus Members
6.3 Application for Active Membership accompanied by the membership fee shall be submitted to the Sectional Secretary on the official application form. An applicant must be sponsored by two Active Members in good standing.
6.4 Sectional Councils shall have the power to elect Honorary Members for life or for such term as the Sectional Council shall deem advisable.
6.5 Honourary Members shall be exempt from payment of fees and shall have all the rights and privileges of Active members, with the exception the right to hold office.
6.6 A Corporation interested in the work of the sectional Association may, with the approved of the Sectional Council, be admitted to Corporate membership.
6.7 Corporate Membership shall entitle the corporation to one nominee who must be or promptly become a member of the Association.
6.8 Qualifications for Student membership are: interest in all or many of the objects of the Association, and enrolment in any recognized Textile School, College or University, in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing or Finishing Courses.
6.9 Application for Student membership accompanied by the membership fee must be so certified in writing by the Registrar or other responsible faculty members of the educational Institution in which the applicant is enrolled and submitted to the Sectional Secretary on the official application form. Such students shall have the choice of the Section to which they shall be accredited.
6.10 Student Members shall have all the rights and privileges of Active Members with the exception of the right to vote or hold office.
6.11 No applicant qualifying for Active Membership will be considered a candidate for Student Membership.
6.12 Such application shall be voted upon at the first meeting of the Sectional Council after receipt of the respective application. A three-fourths affirmative vote of those present at such meeting shall be required to elect new members in any category.
6.13 Fees of all candidates failing of election shall be returned to them by the Secretary. Sectional Councils may reject applications without stating any reason for such rejection.
6.14 A two-thirds vote in favour of expulsion by a Sectional Council shall be required for the expulsion of any member of the respective Sectional Association. A former member may apply for re-admission.
6.15 Only Active Member who shall have completed at least two years membership in the Association shall be eligible for election to an office of the Sectional Association.
6.16 Associate Membership is open to any person interested in promoting all or any of the objects of the Association and who does not ,quality as an Active Member.
6.17 An Associate Member has all the rights and privileges of an Active Member, with the exception of the right to vote or hold office.
6.18 Annual dues for Associate Members shall be the same as those of an Active Member.
6.19 After full retirement, an Active Member, currently or formally enrolled with 25 years membership or an Active Member with 20 years membership who, by reasons of health or disability, is in early retirement; may apply for Emeritus Membership by writing to the Secretary of Sectional Council requesting verification of eligibility for such membership.
6.20 Application for Emeritus Membership may also be made on be half of an eligible member be Sectional Council.
6.21 Sectional Councils shall have full authority for approval or rejection of applications.
6.22 Emeritus Members could be billed annually at the same rate as Student Members to cover the costs of the subscription to the Canadian Textile Journal and the regular News Letter and will retain all the privileges of Actives Members
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7. Fees of the Sectional Associations
7.1 Annual fees for Actives Members shall be no more than seventy-five dollars ($ 75.00).
7.2 Honorary Members shall not be required to pay any annual fees.
7.3 Annual fees for Corporate Members shall be a minimum of twenty-five ($25.00) or any greater amount at the discretion of the Sectional Councils.
7.4 Annual fees for Student Members shall be ten dollars ($10.00), minimum.
7.5 All annual fees shall be payable to the Treasurer at the beginning of each financial year or calendar year, at the discretion of Council of the respective Section.
7.6 Sectional Councils shall have the right to grant remission of fees of their Section members for cause.
7.7 A Member elected within two months of the close of a financial year or calendar year shall not be required to pay fees for such financial year.
7.8 A Member desiring transfer from one Section to another shall be required to notify in writing the Secretary of the section of which he is a member. The Secretary shall then notify in writing the Secretary of the Section to which transfer is desired, giving information regarding the member’s status and good standing and a copy of such transferring member’s application form.
7.9 The Treasurer of each Section shall remit to the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Council following their respective Annual General Meeting, such fees to National Council as shall have been determined at the National Council Annual Meeting.
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8. Arrears of Fees.
8.1 A Member whose fees are in arrears for a period of six weeks after the beginning of the financial or calendar year shall receive written notice from the Sectional Treasurer requesting payment. Unless such payment is made within the next six weeks, the Member shall automatically cease the enjoy any rights or privileges of the Association.
8.2 A Member in arrears in one Section is considered to be in arrears in all Sections.
8.3 A Member who has been expelled for non-payment of fees by any Sectional Council could be re-instated to membership upon payment of current fees. In addition, he or she shall be required to pay minimum fee up to fifteen dollars ($15.00) to cover administration costs to Sectional Council plus the current fee for Sectional Council plus the current fee for membership in the Textile Federation of Canada.
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9. Sectional Councils
9.1 The Sectional Association shall be governed by a Sectional Council consisting of the Immediate Past President, a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and not more than (9) additional members.
9.2 Such Officers and members shall be elected annually by the Members of the Sectional Association and shall be eligible for re-election.
9.3 At the discretion of the Sectional Council of a Sectional Association, an Honourary President may be appointed for a period one year and need not be a member of the Association.
9.4 The Honourary President and all other past presidents shall be members, ex-officio, of a Sectional Council but without vote at meetings thereof.
9.5 A vacancy in any office, including membership of Council shall be filled, by appointment, by the Sectional Council involved.
9.6 The Sectional Council shall meet, at the call of the President or any (3) Members, upon written notice of at least seven (7) days, and at such time and place as the President designates.
9.7 Except when prior notice of non-attendance at Sectional Council Meetings has been received by the Secretary, such Officers and/or Council Members shall be replaced by the Sectional Council following absence from two consecutive Sectional Council Meetings.
9.8 A quorum at any Sectional Council Meeting shall be a majority of voting members present.
9.9 The Chairman of each meeting of a Sectional Council shall, in case of a tie vote, have a second, or casting vote.
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10. Election of Sectional Councils
10.1 A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the respective Sectional Councils and shall meet at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Sectional Annual General Meeting to prepare a suggested slate of Council Members, including Officers. Fifty (50) days prior to the sectional Annual General Meeting the recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be mailed, by the Secretary, to all Members in good standing.
10.2 Any additional nominations, accompanied by a letter of acceptance signed by the nominees and six (6) Active Members in good standing, must be received by the Secretary at least thirty-five (35) days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
10.3 If additional nominations are not received within the specified time, the slate of Officers and Members proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be elected by acclamation at the Sectional Association’s Annual General Meeting.
10.4 If additional nominations are received, such specified Officer and/or Council Member nominees shall then be eligible for election by Members in good standing of the Sectional Association by postal ballot.
10.5 When a postal ballot is required, ballot papers shall be sent to all members in good standing of the Sectional Association not later than twenty-one (21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and shall be returned so as to be received by the Secretary not later than seven (7) days before the said Annual General Meeting.
10.6 Three (3) scrutineers shall be appointed by the Sectional Council for the sole purpose of tabulating and reporting the results of the postal ballot, and they shall hold in their possession such ballot, until instructed as to their disposition. they shall not be nominees for election to Council.
10.7 The ballot papers shall be opened in camera by the scrutineers, and the votes counted and preserved. The results of the ballot shall then be reported in writing to the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting.
10.8 The results of the ballot, as reported by the scruteneers, shall be declared by the Chairman of the annual general Meeting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second, or casting vote, to be made in camera prior to the announcement of the election.
10.9 The Annual General Meeting shall instruct the appointed scrutineers to destroy all the tabulated postal ballots and any records pertaining to the tabulation of such ballots.
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11. Duties of Sectional Council
11.1 The Sectional Council shall have supervision and control of all property of the Sectional Association and, upon cancellation of the authority or licence of a Sectional Association, shall forthwith surrender to the National Council all its powers and privileges and all property of the Section.
11.2 At each meeting of the members of a Section, the Secretary shall present a report of the proceedings of the previous meeting and a copy of such minutes shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Council upon approval by the Sectional Council.
11.3 A duly audited financial statement for the financial fear shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Section and a copy of such report shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Council after being approved at such meeting.
11.4 The Sectional Council shall appoint a Chairman of the Standing Committees of Council.
11.5 The Sectional Council may appoint committees to have charge of special affairs of the Association.
11.6 The Terms of reference for the Standing Committees of Council shall be determined by the Sectional Councils.
11.7 The Sectional Council shall designate the times and places of the General Meetings of members of the Section.
11.8 General Meetings of members and Meetings of the Council shall be called by written notice.
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12. Voting
Voting at all meetings of the National Council, Sectional Councils and Sectional Associations shall be by show of hands or by ballot when deemed advisable by the presiding officer, or when so requested by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present.
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13. Auditors
13.1 Two (2) auditors shall be elected by the members of each Sectional Association at the Sectional Annual General Meeting to audit the accounts of the Sectional Association. They shall hold office until their successors are appointed.
13.2 The National Council shall at each Annual Meeting elect its own auditors. The auditors shall not be Officers or Members of the National Council.
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14. Awards
14.1 A Sectional Council may, in any year, recommend to the National Council that an award be made by the National Council, such as a Certificate of Merit in a form approved by the National Council, to any member or members of a Sectional Association for any outstanding contribution to the Textile Industry.
14.2 National Council shall sponsor the presentation of an award in the form of a Certificate to each member who completes twenty-five (25) years of membership in the Canadian Association of Textile Colorists and Chemists.
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15. General Matters
15.1 The Officers and Members of the National Council and of the Sectional Councils shall be governed by the usual Rules of Parliamentary Procedure wherever they may be applicable.
15.2 The National Council shall have sole power and authority to propose action or take the initiative in dealing with any matter which may affect the Association by federal, provincial or municipal legislation.
15.3 This Constitution shall govern the affairs of this Association from January 1, 2001, subject to amendment not before five years after that date.
15.4 In the case of any dispute due to translation differences, the English version will take precedence since it is the language of the original.
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